IJPB publications (2006-to date)
Markakis MN, De Cnodder T, Lewandowski M, Simon D, Boron A, Balcerowicz D, Doubbo T, Taconnat L, Renou JP,
Höfte H, Verbelen JP, Vissenberg K (2012).
Identification of genes involved in the ACC-mediated control of root cell elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana.
BMC Plant Biol, 12:208.
Moreau M,
Azzopardi M,
Clément G,
Dobrenel T,
Marchive C,
Renne C, Martin-Magniette ML, Taconnat L, Renou JP, Robaglia C,
Meyer C (2012).
Mutations in the Arabidopsis homolog of LST8/GbetaL, a partner of the target of Rapamycin kinase, impair plant growth, flowering, and metabolic adaptation to long days.
Plant Cell, 24:463-481.
Mounet F, Moing A, Kowalczyk M, Rohrmann J, Petit J, Garcia V, Maucourt M, Yano K, Deborde C, Aoki K, Berges H, Granell A, Fernie AR,
Bellini C, Rothan C, Lemaire-Chamley M (2012).
Down-regulation of a single auxin efflux transport protein in tomato induces precocious fruit development.
J Exp Bot, 63:4901-4917.
Pineau C, Loubet S, Lefoulon C, Chalies C, Fizames C, Lacombe B,
Ferrand M,
Loudet O, Berthomieu P, Richard O (2012).
Natural variation at the FRD3 MATE transporter locus reveals cross-talk between Fe homeostasis and Zn tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana.
PLoS Genet, 8:e1003120.
Pochon S, Terrasson E, Guillemette T, Iacomi-Vasilescu B, Georgeault S, Juchaux M, Berruyer R,
Debeaujon I, Simoneau P, Campion C (2012).
The Arabidopsis thaliana-Alternaria brassicicola pathosystem: A model interaction for investigating seed transmission of necrotrophic fungi.
Plant Methods, 8:16.
Pribat A,
Sormani R, Rousseau-Gueutin M, Julkowska MM, Testerink C, Joubes J, Castroviejo M, Laguerre M,
Meyer C, Germain V, Rothan C (2012).
A novel class of PTEN protein in Arabidopsis displays unusual phosphoinositide phosphatase activity and efficiently binds phosphatidic acid.
Biochem J, 441:161-171.
Richet N, Afif D, Tozo K,
Pollet B, Maillard P, Huber F, Priault P, Banvoy J, Gross P, Dizengremel P,
Lapierre C, Perre P, Cabane M (2012).
Elevated CO2 and/or ozone modify lignification in the wood of poplars (Populus tremula x alba).
J Exp Bot, 63:4291-4301.
Rigal A, Yordanov YS, Perrone I, Karlberg A, Tisserant E,
Bellini C, Busov VB, Martin F, Kohler A, Bhalerao R, Legué V (2012).
The AINTEGUMENTA LIKE1 homeotic transcription factor PtAIL1 controls the formation of adventitious root primordia in poplar.
Plant Physiol, 160:1996-2006.
Romano JM,
Dubos C, Prouse MB, Wilkins O, Hong H, Poole M, Kang KY, Li E, Douglas CJ, Western TL, Mansfield SD, Campbell MM (2012).
AtMYB61, an R2R3-MYB transcription factor, functions as a pleiotropic regulator via a small gene network.
New Phytol, 195:774-786.
Rubio-Diaz S, Perez-Perez JM, Gonzalez-Bayon R, Munoz-Viana R,
Borrega N,
Mouille G, Hernandez-Romero D, Robles P,
Höfte H, Ponce MR, Micol JL (2012).
Cell expansion-mediated organ growth is affected by mutations in three EXIGUA genes.
PLoS One, 7:e36500.
Uyttewaal M, Burian A, Alim K, Landrein B, Borowska-Wykret D, Dedieu A,
Peaucelle A, Ludynia M, Traas J, Boudaoud A, Kwiatkowska D, Hamant O (2012).
Mechanical stress acts via katanin to amplify differences in growth rate between adjacent cells in Arabidopsis.
Cell, 149:439-451.
Weller JL, Liew LC, Hecht VF, Rajandran V, Laurie RE, Ridge S, Wenden B, Vander Schoor JK, Jaminon O, Blassiau C, Dalmais M,
Rameau C, Bendahmane A, Macknight RC, Lejeune-Henaut I (2012).
A conserved molecular basis for photoperiod adaptation in two temperate legumes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109:21158-21163.
Yelina NE, Choi K,
Chelysheva L, Macaulay M, De Snoo B, Wijnker E, Miller N,
Drouaud J,
Grelon M, Copenhaver GP,
Mézard C, Kelly KA, Henderson IR (2012).
Epigenetic remodeling of meiotic crossover frequency in Arabidopsis thaliana DNA methyltransferase mutants.
PLoS Genet, 8:e1002844.
Zhuang LL, Ambrose M,
Rameau C, Weng L, Yang J, Hu XH, Luo D, Li X (2012).
LATHYROIDES, encoding a WUSCHEL-related Homeobox1 transcription factor, controls organ lateral growth, and regulates tendril and dorsal petal identities in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.).
Mol Plant, 5:1333-1345.
Adam H, Marguerettaz M, Qadri R,
Adroher B, Richaud F, Collin M, Thuillet AC, Vigouroux Y,
Laufs P, Tregear JW, Jouannic S (2011).
Divergent expression patterns of miR164 and CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in palms and other monocots: implication for the evolution of meristem function in angiosperms.
Mol Biol Evol, 28:1439-1454.
Agrawal GK, Bourguignon J, Rolland N, Ephritikhine G, Ferro M, Jaquinod M, Alexiou KG,
Chardot T, Chakraborty N,
Jolivet P, Doonan JH, Rakwal R (2011).
Plant organelle proteomics: collaborating for optimal cell function.
Mass Spectrom Rev, 30:772-853.