Research departments

Developmental Biology, Signalling and Modelling

DSM 10 research teams

IJPB publications (2006-to date)
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Von Schwartzenberg K, Lindner AC, Gruhn N, Simura J, Novák O, Strnad M, Gonneau M, Nogué F, Heyl A (2016). CHASE domain-containing receptors play an essential role in the cytokinin response of the moss Physcomitrella patens. J Exp Bot, 67:667-679. PubMed | DOI
Yang W, Schuster C, Beahan CT, Charoensawan V, Peaucelle A, Bacic A, Doblin MS, Wightman R, Meyerowitz EM (2016). Regulation of Meristem Morphogenesis by Cell Wall Synthases in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol, 26:1404-1415. PubMed | DOI
Draeger C, Ndinyanka Fabrice T, Gineau E, Mouille G, Kuhn BM, Moller I, Abdou MT, Frey B, Pauly M, Bacic A, Ringli C (2015). Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat extensin (LRX) proteins modify cell wall composition and influence plant growth. BMC Plant Biol, 15:155. PubMed | DOI
De Cuyper C, Fromentin J, Yocgo RE, De Keyser A, Guillotin B, Kunert K, Boyer FD, Goormachtig S (2015). From lateral root density to nodule number, the strigolactone analogue GR24 shapes the root architecture of Medicago truncatula. J Exp Bot, 66:137-146. PubMed | DOI
Fernandez A, Drozdzecki A, Hoogewijs K, Vassileva V, Madder A, Beeckman T, Hilson P (2015). The GLV6/RGF8/CLEL2 peptide regulates early pericycle divisions during lateral root initiation. J Exp Bot, 66:5245-5256. PubMed | DOI
Ghorbani S, Lin YC, Parizot B, Fernandez A, Njo MF, Van De Peer Y, Beeckman T, Hilson P (2015). Expanding the repertoire of secretory peptides controlling root development with comparative genome analysis and functional assays. J Exp Bot, 66:5257-5269. PubMed | DOI
Szakonyi D, Van Landeghem S, Baerenfaller K, Baeyens L, Blomme J, Casanova-Saez R, De Bodt S, Esteve-Bruna D, Fiorani F, Gonzalez N, Grønlund J, Immink R, Jover-Gil S, Kuwabara A, Muñoz-Nortes T, Van Dijk ADJ, Wilson-Sánchez D, Buchanan-Wollaston V, Angenent G, Van De Peer Y, Inzé D, Micol JL, Gruissem W, Walsh S, Hilson P (2015). The KnownLeaf literature curation system captures knowledge about Arabidopsis leaf growth and development and facilitates integrated data mining. Current Plant Biology, 2:1-11. PubMed | DOI
Khan M, Ragni L, Tabb P, Salasini BC, Chatfield S, Datla R, Lock J, Kuai X, Despres C, Proveniers M, Yongguo C, Xiang D, Morin H, Rulliere JP, Citerne S, Hepworth SR, Pautot V (2015). Repression of Lateral Organ Boundary Genes by PENNYWISE and POUND-FOOLISH Is Essential for Meristem Maintenance and Flowering in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol, 169:2166-2186. PubMed | DOI
Landrein B, Kiss A, Sassi M, Chauvet A, Das P, Cortizo M, Laufs P, Takeda S, Aida M, Traas J, Vernoux T, Boudaoud A, Hamant O (2015). Mechanical stress contributes to the expression of the STM homeobox gene in Arabidopsis shoot meristems. Elife, 4:e07811. PubMed | DOI
Rast-Somssich MI, Broholm S, Jenkins H, Canales C, Vlad D, Kwantes M, Bilsborough G, Dello Ioio R, Ewing RM, Laufs P, Huijser P, Ohno C, Heisler MG, Hay A, Tsiantis M (2015). Alternate wiring of a KNOXI genetic network underlies differences in leaf development of A. thaliana and C. hirsuta. Genes Dev, 29:2391-2404. PubMed | DOI
Poulet A, Arganda-Carreras I, Legland D, Probst AV, Andrey P, Tatout C (2015). NucleusJ: an ImageJ plugin for quantifying 3D images of interphase nuclei. Bioinformatics, 31:1144-1146. PubMed | DOI
Silva JVC, Legland D, Cauty C, Kolotuev I, Floury J (2015). Characterization of the microstructure of dairy systems using automated image analysis. Food Hydrocolloids, 44:360-371. PubMed | DOI
Bastien R, Douady S, Moulia B (2015). A unified model of shoot tropism in plants: photo-, gravi- and Propio-ception. PLoS Comput Biol, 11:e1004037. PubMed | DOI
Esque J, Urbain A, Etchebest C, De Brevern AG (2015). Sequence-structure relationship study in all-alpha transmembrane proteins using an unsupervised learning approach. Amino Acids, 47:2303-2322. PubMed | DOI
Luo Y, Scholl S, Doering A, Zhang Y, Irani NG, Rubbo SD, Neumetzler L, Krishnamoorthy P, Van Houtte I, Mylle E, Bischoff V, Vernhettes S, Winne J, Friml J, Stierhof YD, Schumacher K, Persson S, Russinova E (2015). V-ATPase activity in the TGN/EE is required for exocytosis and recycling in Arabidopsis. Nat Plants, 1:15094. PubMed | DOI
Worden N, Wilkop TE, Esteve VE, Jeannotte R, Lathe R, Vernhettes S, Weimer B, Hicks G, Alonso J, Labavitch J, Persson S, Ehrhardt D, Drakakaki G (2015). CESA TRAFFICKING INHIBITOR inhibits cellulose deposition and interferes with the trafficking of cellulose synthase complexes and their associated proteins KORRIGAN1 and POM2/CELLULOSE SYNTHASE INTERACTIVE PROTEIN1. Plant Physiol, 167:381-393. PubMed | DOI
Boyer FD, De Saint Germain A, Pouvreau JB, Clavé G, Pillot JP, Roux A, Rasmussen A, Depuydt S, Lauressergues D, Frei Dit Frey N, Heugebaert TS, Stevens CV, Geelen D, Goormachtig S, Rameau C (2014). New strigolactone analogs as plant hormones with low activities in the rhizosphere. Mol Plant, 7:675-690. PubMed | DOI
Rameau C, Bertheloot J, Leduc N, Andrieu B, Foucher F, Sakr S (2014). Multiple pathways regulate shoot branching. Front Plant Sci, 5:741. PubMed | DOI
Brousse C, Liu Q, Beauclair L, Deremetz A, Axtell MJ, Bouché N (2014). A non-canonical plant microRNA target site. Nucleic Acids Res, 42:5270-5279. PubMed | DOI
Mathieu O, Bouché N (2014). Interplay between chromatin and RNA processing. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 18:60-65. PubMed | DOI
Gul-Mohammed J, Arganda-Carreras I, Andrey P, Galy V, Boudier T (2014). A generic classification-based method for segmentation of nuclei in 3D images of early embryos. BMC Bioinformatics, 15:9. PubMed | DOI
Vain T, Crowell EF, Timpano H, Biot E, Desprez T, Mansoori N, Trindade LM, Pagant S, Robert S, Höfte H, Gonneau M, Vernhettes S (2014). The Cellulase KORRIGAN Is Part of the Cellulose Synthase Complex. Plant Physiol, 165:1521-1532. PubMed | DOI
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