IJPB publications (2006-to date)
Chardon F,
Bedu M, Calenge F, Klemens PA,
Spinner L,
Clément G,
Chietera G, Leran S,
Ferrand M, Lacombe B,
Loudet O,
Dinant S,
Bellini C, Neuhaus HE, Daniel-Vedele F,
Krapp A (2013).
Leaf fructose content is controlled by the vacuolar transporter SWEET17 in Arabidopsis.
Curr Biol, 23:697-702.
Cromer L,
Jolivet S,
Horlow C,
Chelysheva L, Heyman J, De Jaeger G, Koncz C, De Veylder L,
Mercier R (2013).
Centromeric cohesion is protected twice at meiosis, by SHUGOSHINs at anaphase I and by PATRONUS at interkinesis.
Curr Biol, 23:2090-2099.
Dalmais M,
Antelme S, Ho-Yue-Kuang S,
Wang Y, Darracq O, D'yvoire MB,
Cézard L,
Legée F, Blondet E, Oria N, Troadec C, Brunaud V, Jouanin L,
Höfte H, Bendahmane A,
Lapierre C, Sibout R (2013).
A TILLING Platform for Functional Genomics in Brachypodium distachyon.
PLoS One, 8:e65503.
Denance N, Ranocha P, Oria N, Barlet X, Riviere MP, Yadeta KA, Hoffmann L,
Perreau F,
Clément G,
Maia-Grondard A, Van Den Berg GC, Savelli B, Fournier S, Aubert Y, Pelletier S, Thomma BP, Molina A, Jouanin L, Marco Y, Goffner D (2013).
Arabidopsis wat1 (walls are thin1)-mediated resistance to the bacterial vascular pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum, is accompanied by cross-regulation of salicylic acid and tryptophan metabolism.
Plant J, 73:225-239.
Gaufichon L,
Masclaux-Daubresse C, Tcherkez G,
Reisdorf-Cren M, Sakakibara Y, Hase T,
Clément G, Avice JC,
Grandjean O,
Marmagne A,
Boutet S,
Azzopardi M,
Soulay F,
Suzuki A (2013).
Arabidopsis thaliana ASN2 encoding asparagine synthetase is involved in the control of nitrogen assimilation and export during vegetative growth.
Plant Cell Environ, 36:328-342.
Gendre D, Mcfarlane HE, Johnson E,
Mouille G, Sjodin A, Oh J, Levesque-Tremblay G, Watanabe Y, Samuels L, Bhalerao RP (2013).
Trans-Golgi network localized ECHIDNA/Ypt interacting protein complex is required for the secretion of cell wall polysaccharides in Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell, 25:2633-2646.
Geshi N, Johansen JN, Dilokpimol A, Rolland A,
Belcram K,
Verger S, Kotake T, Tsumuraya Y, Kaneko S, Tryfona T, Dupree P, Scheller HV,
Höfte H,
Mouille G (2013).
A galactosyltransferase acting on arabinogalactan protein glycans is essential for embryo development in Arabidopsis.
Plant J, 76:128-137.
Haili N,
Arnal N,
Quadrado M, Amiar S, Tcherkez G,
Dahan J,
Briozzo P, Colas Des Francs-Small C,
Vrielynck N,
Mireau H (2013).
The pentatricopeptide repeat MTSF1 protein stabilizes the nad4 mRNA in Arabidopsis mitochondria.
Nucleic Acids Res, 41:6650-6663.
Klemens PA, Patzke K, Deitmer J,
Spinner L,
Le Hir R,
Bellini C,
Bedu M,
Chardon F,
Krapp A, Neuhaus HE (2013).
Overexpression of the vacuolar sugar carrier AtSWEET16 modifies germination, growth, and stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol, 163:1338-1352.
Kubienova L, Kopecný D, Tylichova M,
Briozzo P, Skopalova J, Sebela M, Navratil M,
Tache R, Luhova L, Barroso JB, Petrivalsky M (2013).
Structural and functional characterization of a plant S-nitrosoglutathione reductase from Solanum lycopersicum.
Biochimie, 95:889-902.
Lam M, Martinez Y, Barbier O, Jauneau A, Balzergue S, Huguet S,
Pollet B,
Méchin V, Guillon F, Robert P, Dumon C, O'donohue M, Goffner D, Pichon M (2013).
Combined approaches provide an anatomical and transcriptomic fingerprint of maize cell wall digestibility.
Maydica, 58:274-287.
Le Hir R, Sorin C, Chakraborti D, Moritz T, Schaller H,
Tellier F, Robert S,
Morin H, Bako L,
Bellini C (2013).
ABCG9, ABCG11 and ABCG14 ABC transporters are required for vascular development in Arabidopsis.
Plant J, 76:811-824.
Le Marechal P, Decottignies P, Marchand CH, Degrouard J, Jaillard D, Dulermo T,
Froissard M, Smirnov A, Chapuis V, Virolle MJ (2013).
Comparative proteomic analysis of Streptomyces lividans Wild-Type and ppk mutant strains reveals the importance of storage lipids for antibiotic biosynthesis.
Appl Environ Microbiol, 79:5907-5917.
Li-Beisson Y, Shorrosh B, Beisson F, Andersson MX, Arondel V, Bates PD,
Baud S, Bird D, Debono A, Durrett TP, Franke RB, Graham IA, Katayama K, Kelly AA, Larson T, Markham JE,
Miquel M, Molina I, Nishida I, Rowland O, Samuels L, Schmid KM, Wada H, Welti R, Xu C, Zallot R, Ohlrogge J (2013).
Acyl-lipid metabolism.
Arabidopsis Book, 11:e0161.